The risks from climate change threaten business operations, and we are proactively taking countermeasures in conserving energy and reducing carbon emission.
We are looking for ways to implement effective energy management and strengthen risk control assessment in climate change.
In 2022, we re-evaluated and re-assessed how climate changes would impact our operations and the results were the same as disclosed in TCFD in 2021. We prioritize our risks to establish short, mid and long-term strategic planning to mitigate the impacts brought upon by the climate changes. We decreased greenhouse gas emissions through the circular economy and carbon reduction, and the greenhouse gas intensity dropped from 1.60 kgCO2/thousand$ in 2021 to 1.43 kgCO2/thousand$ in 2022.



2020~2022 Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity Chart

64.79% of our greenhouse gas emission was from the purchased electricity. We will continue to upgrade to high efficiency motors, expand solar panel installation, increase the use of renewable energy ratio, and practice ISO 50001 Energy Management System and ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse gases – quantification and reporting, to reduce electricity consumption.

2022 Category of GHG Emission Chart
Source of Emissions Description Emissions (tCO2e)
Category 1: Direct GHG Emissions Stationary combustion 6,507.5
Mobile combustion 1,295.6
Fugitive Emissions -
Process Emissions 171.7
Land Use, Land Use
Change and Forestry (LULUCF)
Category 2: Imported Energy Imported Energy 14,823
Category 3: Transportation Not Significant -
Category 4: Products used by an organization Emissions of solid and liquid waste
from products used
Category 5: Associated with the use of products
                    from the organization
Not Significant -
Category 6: Other Sources Not Significant -
Total Emissions 22,879.0