The Sustainable Development Committee is a cross-departmental task force, our chairman is the convener. It consists of six functional groups: sustainable operation, sustainable environment, social charity, sustainable supply chain, product safety and quality, and employee welfare and benefits.
Operation of the Functional Task Forces in 2022:
Audit Committee Remuneration Committee
established in 2017 established in 2012
  • Consist of 3 independent directors; monitor and ensure the objectivity and adequacy of the financial reports, the effectiveness of internal controls, and risk management to enhance corporate governance.
  • Meeting is held at least once each quarter; total of 6 meetings conducted in 2022 with 94% average attendance rate.
  • Consist of 2 independent directors and one external expert; regularly and objectively evaluate the adequacy of the compensation system for the board of directors, and managing officers through comparable industry salary standards, the KPI, company operations, potential interconnected risk exposures and conflicts and report and provide a recommendation to the board of directors.
  • Two meetings held in 2022 with 100% attendance rate.
Sustainable Development Committee Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, TCFD Committee
established in 2014; formerly known as the CSR Implementation Committee and renamed in 2021 established in 2021
  • The chairman serves as the convener, while the general manager takes on the role of strategic leadership. The vice general manager and AVP form a cross-departmental team with supporting staff to coordinate the company's sustainable development strategies and goals. They regularly track and review progress to compile and publish reports.
  • As the responsible unit for risk management, it is tasked with monitoring, measuring, and evaluating risk controls, ensuring the implementation of approved risk management strategies, and reporting to the Board of Directors annually.
  • Total 8 meetings held
  • Board of Directors is the highest governing body and the general manager serving as the chair in calling the related departments to form this TCFD Committee.
  • Sets and monitors strategy and risk assessment; responsible for establishing the company's mid- to long-term climate change management strategies both in risks and opportunities; potential impact to the company finance.